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The Program
At the Frey Angus Ranch, you have three cattlemen riding herd on your investment. Your investment represents nearly 70 years of breeding and selection for cattle that are acceptable in size, correct in structure, sound in their movement and functional on the range, in the feedlot, and desirable as the end product to the consumer.   Cattle that calve easy, breed back quickly, milk and grow.  They do it consistently and in a superior manner.  Our records show it, our cattle prove it and we guarantee it. Count on these bulls to make a difference in your operations profit.  We intend to see to it that our cattle make a difference in your program. You deserve nothing less.


At the Frey Angus Ranch, the cattle are measured for profit.

  • Profit is a live calf at birth
  • Profit is a good milking, sound uddered cow that breeds back quickly and weans a heavy calf every year
  • Profit is a carcass of high value and quality
  • Profit is eventually determined by herd sire selections

Here you will be able to select from value added bulls where profit and quality are stressed right down to the last bull to sell. The bulls offered will have a strong maternal influence of FAR Krugerrand 410H, the 2002 National Western Champion Bull bred by Frey Angus Ranch. Many of his daughters and grand-daughters will have produced sons by some of the most prominent herd sires of the breed; Freys Quality 0187, Fair Quality 1031, TA Resilient 1012, Evanston Southern Charm 086, Freys True Grit, FAR Power On 1006, Freys Home Town Believer, FAR Power On 1109, Connealy Craftsman, Connealy Commerce, Nelson's Growth Market K044, Foxs Dnamite 25H, KR Ultra 2199 and others.


At Frey Angus Ranch, the program is a simple one. It is a program where performance testing breeds perform and where the cowherd makes a difference. Each cow has to make a difference and that difference is measured in the average results in the bulls selling. The average birth weights are at or near breed average of 79#, average weaning weights of 850#, and average yearling weights of 1432#. These are fertile, mature and active bulls with balanced EPD’s and exceptional individual performance that also includes carcass information determined by ultrasound. These bulls will be delivered to your ranch after April 1st at no charge with an unconditional guarantee for injury through the first breeding season. Most importantly, these bulls will work because they are bred and developed to do so. They are the kind that makes a difference!



Breed Average
FAR Average
Birth Weight
205 Day Weight
365 Day Weight
Scrotal Size
Birth Weight EPD
Weaning EPD
Yearling EPD
Milk EPD
Scrotal EPD 0.88 +0.88 0
Docility EPD +19 +17 -2
Claw EPD +0.49 +0.48 +0.01
Angle EPD 0.47 0.45 +0.02
Heifer Pregnancy EPD +11.8 +12.5 +0.7
Carcass Weight EPD
+ .54
Rib Eye EPD
- .08
$M EPD +64 +61 -3
$W EPD +61 +66 +5
$F EPD +93 +99 +6
$G EPD +55 +46 -9
$B EPD +152 +146 -6
$C EPD s +260 +249 -11

Check out these reason why there is a difference with cattle purchased from
Frey Angus Ranch.

  • The cattle will be cataloged according to the sale order.
  • You can evaluate selections with complete meaningful ratios for weaning, gain, yearling, and scrotal performance.
  • You have the most updated EPD information available for birth, weaning, combined maternal traits, yearling weights, scrotal size and carcass traits.
  • Bulls will be evaluated for carcass merit by ultrasound.
  • You buy our bulls and females at the ranch where you deal direct with one owner and can see the herd, facilities, and management.  Conditions comparable to most commercial operations.
  • Your purchases will not have been exposed to other cattle in stockyard facilities--they are born, tested, and sold at the ranch.  These are FAR bred and raised cattle.
  • Your purchases will have been developed on a feed test ration, designed for optimum roughage utilization, genetic expression, and soundness.  they are naturally thick and heavy muscled.
  • You can obtain cattle from a cowherd that is successfully A-I bred for a 60-day calving period and noted for calving ease.
  • Your bulls will have been screened for fertility soundness and testicle measured--you cannot risk anything else.
  • You can find bulls not only ideal for first calf heifers, but also good enough and big enough you'll want to use them on your cows as well.  Many February yearlings.
  • Calving ease bulls will be identified and recommended for use on heifers.
  • You can put together uniform groups of half and three-quarter brothers.  Uniformity is a bred-in trait with these cattle.
  • Your purchases will represent nearly 60 years of selection for cattle that calve easy, milk, and grow.  Many of the cattle will have from six to ten generations of FAR breeding.
  • Your bulls will be unconditionally guaranteed for injury through breeding season.  A replacement will be made available or credit in forthcoming sales for those bulls which fail to breed, as indicated under terms and conditions.
  • Free delivery will be offered on bulls selling to North Dakota and adjacent states.  Your purchases will be delivered directly to your ranch facilities.  Reasonable costs on delivery elsewhere will be offered as well.
    *Feeding arrangements will be available on yearling bulls at a minimal charge of $2.00 per day.  They'll be fed to your satisfaction.
  • Your purchases will be affordable. This volume of quality cattle selling will sell in everyone's price ranch. You will get the most for your dollar.
  • Volume discounts available.

Frey Angus Ranch 701-728-6678
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