At the Frey Angus Ranch, the cattle are measured for profit.
Profit is a live calf at birth
Profit is a good milking, sound uddered cow that breeds back quickly and weans a heavy calf every year
Profit is a carcass of high value and quality
Profit is eventually determined by herd sire selections
Here you will be able to select from value added bulls where profit and quality are stressed right down to the last bull to sell. The bulls offered will have a strong maternal influence of FAR Krugerrand 410H, the 2002 National Western Champion Bull bred by Frey Angus Ranch. Many of his daughters and grand-daughters will have produced sons by some of the most prominent herd sires of the breed; Freys Quality 0187, Fair Quality 1031, TA Resilient 1012, Evanston Southern Charm 086, Freys True Grit, FAR Power On 1006, Freys Home Town Believer, FAR Power On 1109, Connealy Craftsman, Connealy Commerce, Nelson's Growth Market K044, Foxs Dnamite 25H, KR Ultra 2199 and others.